Award winning product


Automatic ABN/ACN lookup
Instantly find the business name or ABN using our integrated lookup service

Digital approval from PC/PCBU
No more waiting for approvals. As soon as the PC or PCBU have approved the SWMS you're ready to get to work

Digital signatures of workers (SMS)
Say goodbye to the paperwork and written signatures. Your workers can just press a button on their device

Ability to monitor a SWMS
Monitor SWMS on-site with the ability to add attachments & create actions to be performed

Automatically complies with each state legislation
A nation-wide approach to creating and monitoring SWMS for HRCW

Ability to attach PDF, Pictures, Videos
Ensure the work is done safely with the help of pictures and multimedia

Provide feedback of SWMS within App
SWMS creators, Subcontractors, PC's and Safety staff can provide real-time feedback

Translation of multiple Language (Text to Voice)
With workers coming from diverse backgrounds, help them complete the SWMS in their primary language

Alerting of SWMS and monitoring events
Everyone who needs to know about SWMS monitoring events will be instantly alerted via their device

No app download
SimpliSWMS works on any device. No additional app download required

Software Integration
API Integrations with other leading industry software such as PowerBI, and Board

Expert support
Expert priority support services via phone, email and online chat

Custom criteria
Define criteria with a set of legislation questions that need to be answered by the PC before accepting SWMS

Industry content
Suggested industry content specific to each trade to help PCBU and PC build the SWMS

Real-time collaboration
Collaborate, review and monitor SWMS in real-time between the Worker, Subcontractor and Principal Contractor on site
Watch a short video

No paper
No probs
The simplest SWMS solution on the market that reduces complicated paperwork & significantly streamlines the SWMS process. Access anywhere, anytime - Easily create, review, implement and monitor SWMS on all your projects with one easy to use application specific to your trade & activities
On Site
Keeping workers safe - Designed to help educate workers around the High Risk Construction Work (HRCW) items specific to each project and easily monitor SWMS on-site in real-time. Reduce confusion among subcontractors about SWMS requirements A digital, mobile and innovative method to eliminate WHS HRCW risk for the construction industry & reduce HRCW fatalities and serious injuries
Our mission
Our mission is to transform the current SWMS procedural compliance document into a digital app that can actively contribute to reducing injuries and saving lives on construction sites
The solution
A simple collaborative, real-time method of creating, implementing and monitoring high risk construction work between workers, subcontractors and the principal contractor inline with WHS/OHS Regulation

Built in collaboration with industry
Used by Australia’s largest building & construction industry businesses
“Most trades like the ease of developing SWMS and getting workers signed in prior to coming to site.”
“My employees on site are amazed at the simplicity of it and are glad we are implementing these process for their benefit and the company’s. I’ve told them this is only the beginning.”
“Let’s just get this $#*t up and running ASAP so we can start kicking goals, guiding the beginners and trimming time off the processes.”
“I think its easy and straight forward to use and makes the process a whole lot simpler”
“...an easy to use platform, to develop a meaningful SWMS that can conveniently be monitored. The end result is a safer work place for our people and our subcontractors.”
“I thought it was really easy to use and simple. Very good”
“I think that SimpliSWMS is a tool that could easily become one used throughout the industry.”
“It’s a very impressive app. Looking forward to promoting this...”
“Removes irrelevant information and allows focus on actual High Risk Work”